News and Announcements

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Labor day practice

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 3, 2022 10:36AM PDT ( 2 Comments )

We are so proud of all of our athletes for their races this morning!

We will have an optional 6:30 AM practice this Monday, Labor Day.


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Posted by Brian Crane at Aug 30, 2022 11:12AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

No organized practice for the Girls tonight. The Boys are practicing at 6:30pm tonight!

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No organized practice for Girls tonight

Posted by Brian Crane at Aug 30, 2022 10:37AM PDT ( 3 Comments )

Due to the heat advisory, the girls ONLY are not going to meet for organized practice at Corona. Boys will be meeting at 6:30, at Corona.

However, they have all been sent the expected workout for tonight on our group chat. I highly advise them to wait until it is cool enough to do our workout. We really need them to get a long run in before our meet this Saturday morning.

If they would like to/or can run with one of the other Athletes on the team this evening, I recommend it.

We will continue practice as planned tomorrow.

Any questions, please email me at


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Tuesday/Thursday practice time

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 29, 2022 10:26AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hello, we will be starting practice at 6:30pm beginning tomorrow. We are losing light and want the athletes to be safe while out running.


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Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 26, 2022 3:21PM PDT

Just to clarify, we are meeting at 6 AM sharp at the park by the canal. After our time trial the athletes can go to the Tsinger’s house. Coach Smith and I can put kids in our trucks if need be. The house is less than a mile from the canal.

Please see previous posts for information.

Here are the coordinates to the time trial tomorrow.

33.3347205, -111.9432452