News and Announcements

Thank you to all who have stepped up to volunteer for this great opportunity to give back to the running community and earn the team $1500 for our upcoming season. I still need a few more XC runners to volunteer. I have enough parents to cover carpooling and chaperoning the event.

Coach Steph will be out there helping us, so consider joining her to hand out water & Gatorade. We will cheer for some elite runners as they fly up the hill past our aid station.

Time commitment at aid station is from 5:45 am – 8:10 am. All volunteers receive a tech shirt.

Please send me an email with interest,, and I will send out final details (such as carpooling and more). There is no age limit, so younger siblings are welcome to join!

Calling all distance runners!

We have a great opportunity to earn money for our Cross Country team by giving our time to the running community at the Mesa Marathon on Saturday, Feb. 12th. We need 20 volunteers to fill cups, hand out water & Gatorade to the runners and clean up at Mile 4.5 Aid Station (which is on the only uphill of the course).

For our time from 5:45 am – 8:10 am, the team will get $1500, which will cover most of our race entries for the 2022 season!

I would like most of the spots to be filled by XC runners with a few parents to help out with carpooling to the aid spot. This is a great opportunity for those kids who need volunteer hours (especially the juniors and seniors). Seniors, this is your chance to leave your legacy to the runners you have been mentoring these past years. Plus, Coach Tac said he would provide a workout so you do not need to feel like you are missing a practice. Running on the marathon course would be a lot of fun!

Please send me an email with interest,**, and I will send out final details (such as carpooling and more). There is no age limit, so younger siblings are welcome to join!

Just a friendly reminder that we will have a track-and-field booster club meeting tonight, 6 PM at Barros on the corner of Warner and Kyrene.. Hope to see you there!

Hi all! Our CdS Track and Field Booster Club is in desperate need of parent members. Please consider attending the meeting this coming Wednesday the 5th. We do not need anyone to take on a leadership role, however we need parent involvement. Here is the announcement:

Please join the Track and Field Booster Club for a season planning meeting.

Wednesday, January 5th at 6pm Barros Pizza (Kyrene/Warner)

Everyone is welcome to attend. It takes many hands to make light work. We hope to make this season the best one yet.

Hope to see you there! Coach Crane

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End of Season Announcements

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Nov 23, 2021 12:54PM PST

Congratulations to all the athletes on a great season!! Thank you to our coaches for all the support and guidance provided to the kids every day. It is greatly appreciated! It was incredible season.

Thank you to our sponsors — Whataburger, Raising Cane’s, Athletico, Blacker Orthodontics, Desert Shores Dentistry, Kris Cartwright, and Sole Sports. Their support makes it so the kids don’t have to fundraise all season. If you are able to utilize their services, please do!

Banquet Photos & Season Video
It was a great evening for our banquet! As always, it is a great way to end our season with the athletes and recognition of their efforts throughout the season. The lights finally turned on at bit after 6 pm! Thank you to our Boosters for organizing and all the volunteers that helped make it memorable. The Boosters could not have done it without all the volunteers! If you missed the incredible slide show put together by Greg McGuire (James’ Dad), it is posted on our teampages under Video on the right side of the site. Or click on this link: 2021 Season Video

Going out for Track?
If you are considering doing Track&Field this spring, please sign up on their website to get the most up to date information about preseason and the upcoming season. Corona Track & Field TeamPage
If interested in volunteering or learning more about Corona T&F, contact Nicole Gunning, T&F Booster President,

No-Cost Fundraising Throughout the Year!
Please check out our No-Cost Fundraising links on our website. We participate in Amazon Smile, Fry’s VIP Program and eScrip Benefit Mobile (mobile gift cards). You can earn money for the team year round with no cost to you! If you have not made a tax credit donation yet this year, please consider giving to Corona Cross Country. This tax credit donation can be made through the Corona Bookstore. Make sure you select Corona Cross Country. Tax credit money helps us pay for our incredible assistant coaches, Coach Steph and Coach Walker. More information and links to the programs are available on our website.

Finally, *THANK YOU to all the parent volunteers* that supported the Boosters and Coaches this season. We couldn’t have done it without your support!

Have a safe and joyful holiday season!
Corona Cross Country Boosters Club