News and Announcements

Weekly XC News - July 29th

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Jul 29, 2019 9:25AM PDT

Camp Wrap-Up
The kids had a great time up in Flagstaff and got in some good runs in much cooler weather. Thank you to the coaches, chaperones, speakers and parents who drove the kids back and forth. We appreciate your time and energy! We would also like to thank Sole Sports and Cadence Running Company for donating items for the swag bags.

We had a very low turnout for camp this year (13), and it is simply not cost or time effective to put on a camp for such a low number of athletes. In order for camp to continue, we will need to have a minimum of 20 athletes confirmed prior to putting down a deposit in late spring. We want to make families aware at this time so that hopefully the tradition can continue.

Please make sure you have gotten your sports physical and registered for cross country prior to the official start of the season, August 12th. You will not be allowed to workout with the team until you are cleared. For more information and forms, go to

Parent Meeting
The Fall Sports Parent Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20 at 6pm in the auditorium. The Cross Country Parent Meeting will immediately follow. Attendance is strongly encouraged!

Have a great week!

Please note, there will be no Saturday practice this week, July 20th.

The start of school is fast approaching. Make sure you have registered for cross country before the first day of practice – August 12th. Go to for more information and the link to You must have a current physical in order to participate in a sport.

If you are heading up to NAU for our high-altitude camp, you should have received an email last week with important camp information. If you did not receive this email, please contact Kristi Johnson immediately at We will be departing Corona at 11:00am on Sunday. Please be at school by 10:45.

Have a great week!

Looking for Sponsors!

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Jun 23, 2019 2:02PM PDT

Attention athletes and parents: Corona Cross Country is currently looking for sponsors for the upcoming 2019 season. We have 5 sponsor levels ranging from $150 up to $1000. Sponsors get their business logo on our Camp and/or Nike Cross T-shirts, logo on our large banner that hangs on our bright orange tent at all meets, logo and link on our website, a personal thank you on our Facebook page and recognition at our parent meeting and banquet.

We do not currently have a VP of Fundraising, so we are counting on our parents and athletes to help us find sponsors this year. If you own a business, work for a business or know of a business who might be willing to sponsor, please pass along the attached sponsor letter and form. We greatly appreciate the help!

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Saturday Run at Tumbleweed

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Jun 21, 2019 10:55AM PDT

Tomorrow’s practice will be at Tumbleweed Park at 5:30am. We will meet under the ramadas near the Hamilton Street parking lot. There is a map on the team website under “INFO” and “SUMMER RUNNING”.

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XC News - June 13th

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Jun 13, 2019 4:48PM PDT

Saturday Practice
Saturday practice this week will be at Papago Park at 5:30am. Meet at the parking lot off of Curry, just west of Scottsdale Rd. (You can Google search Papago Park Village condos, which are right across the street.)

Camp Deadline Tomorrow!
Tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline for registration for our Aztec High Altitude Training Camp. If you are still planning to go and have not turned in your registration, please contact Kristi Johnson at* immediately* to drop off your forms and payment. Those of you who have registered will be receiving more information in the coming week or two via email.

Looking for Sponsors!
We are currently looking for businesses to sponsor our team this year. There are many levels ranging from $150 to $1000. Sponsors receive advertising on our camp and Nike Cross t-shirts, as well as our large banner that hangs on our tent. They also get exposure through our website, Facebook page and parent handouts. If you know of a business that might be willing to sponsor our team, please pass along the attached sponsor letter. We do not have a VP of Fundraising this year, so we would love some help in this area from our athletes and parents. Thank you!