News and Announcements

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Weekly News - September 26

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 26, 2017 4:41PM PDT

Doug Conley Invitational
The kids did a great job at the race, with many more PRs.  Results can be found on Pictures are up on the website.

Thank you!
A very big thank you to the Hedberg family for hosting our final pasta dinner!  Once again, a great opportunity for the kids to hang out and socialize with their teammates.  Thank you to our dinner volunteers, and our meet volunteers as well!

Desert Twilight Meet 

  • This is a really fun event with teams from all over the southwest.  Check out the video of last year’s race on the home page.  You may see a few familiar faces!
  • The meet schedule can be found here.   We will be competing in the Large School Freshman races, Large School Open races (non-varsity), and Sweepstakes races (varsity). 
  • The bus will leave school at 2:00pm.  The kids will be excused from 7th period that day and should talk with their teachers about any makeup work. 
  • The bus will return around 11:30pm on Friday night.  Please be at school and waiting when they arrive back.  We will have them text when we are leaving Casa Grande. 
  • Be sure to bring layers of clothes as it gets cold on the grass in the evening. Bring a chair or blanket to sit on. 
  • Boosters will be providing pizza, snacks and drinks for the runners.  There are some food trucks at the event, but lines can be long.  Parents, you may want to bring your own food/snacks if you plan to stay for awhile.   
  • Traffic can get backed up at certain times getting into the parking areas, so plan to arrive early for the event you want to see.
  • This is a big meet and very spread out.  We need parents to help take pictures at the event.  Please help us out if you can!

Chipotle Fundraiser – Wednesday, October 4th
Mark your calendar for this evening from 5 – 9 pm at the Chipotle on Elliott, just west of the 101.  This will be our only restaurant night fundraiser of the year.  We get 50% of the sales from our group, so please plan to attend if you are able.  We really need your support for this one.  Plus, who doesn’t like a night off from cooking!

Go Aztecs!!

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Weekly News, 9/18

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 19, 2017 9:02AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Wednesday Practice
School is out very early on Wednesday, however, practice will still be at 3pm and all athletes are expected to attend.

Ojo Rojo Results
We had a lot of PRs at the race. Results are on Wingfootfinish. Thanks to volunteers at the meet, namely Betty and Bob Phillips (handing out cold towels) and Emily Arellano (bagels and orgznizing the timing chips). Pictures are on website. Please remember that you need to sign in to view them. We would still like others to take photos and post them on the site as well. We will need them for the end of season slideshow.

Thank you
To the Hart family and others who volunteered at the team dinner. The kids ate lots and had a fund time socializing! Pictures are on the website.

Team Dinner Friday, Sept. 22
Our next team dinner will be at the Hedberg Home. Please watch your email later this week for the address.

Doug Conley Invitational, Sat., Sept. 23
This meet will be held at Shalimar Golf Course in Tempe. Information can be found here. Parking is tight and spills into the neighborhood, so plan ahead and allow extra time to find a spot.

Desert Twilight
This meet is coming up on Friday, Sept. 29. The link for this meet is here. It is a huge meet that is a lot of fun. The kids get home very late that night. More details on that meet next week.

No-cost Fundraisers
Thank you to those who have signed up for our no-cost fundraisers like AmazonSmile, Fry’s Community Rewards and Benefit Mobile. We are hoping to make these our main form of fundraising in place of selling coupon cards or holding car washes. However, we need all of you to help. Please choose at least one of these programs to participate in. The links are on the website under the “No-Cost Fundraisers” menu.

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Weekly Newsletter, 9/11

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 11, 2017 9:54AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Team Dinner Friday, 9/15, 6pm-8pm at the Hart’s Home
An email will go out later this week with the address. If you are able to help or let us borrow a crock pot, please sign up here:

Ojo Rojo Meet Saturday, 9/16 at Tumbleweek Park
Men: Freshman 7:45am, Varsity 8:55am, Open 9:30am
Women: Freshman 7:45am, Varsity 8:20am, Open 9:31am

Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers for our Banquet Committee and Camp Planning Committee. Please contact Kristi at if you are interested in helping. We would especially love parents of younger kids to get involved.

Items for Sale
Please contact Kristi at if you would like to purchase an item.

  • Double Insulated Water Bottles – $15
  • Cinch Bags – $5 or $10
  • Socks – $5
  • Car Decals – $5
  • Key Chains – $10 The key chains are made by a former Corona Cross Country mom. She has many other Corona items for sale on her website

No Cost Fundraising
We need your help with our No-Cost Fundraisers. Please support the team by linking your Fry’s card, shopping on, downloading mobile gift cards through Benefit Mobile, or giving a tax credit donation. Click on “No-Cost Fundraising” on the menu above for direct links and more information.

Have a great week!
Cross Country Boosters

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Weekly News, September 3rd

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 3, 2017 1:16PM PDT

Chandler Invite
The kids had a great first meet on Saturday despite the heat, humidity and lack of a bus. Thank you parents for stepping up to drive at the last minute! Full results can be found at We have uploaded some picture of the meet to the website. You must be logged in to view them. Feel free to upload pictures that you take at the meets. It’s nice to have a variety of shots.

Thank You!
A very big thank you to the Johnston Family for hosting our first team dinner. The kids ate great and had a fun time socializing. We would also like to thank our parent volunteers who helped at the dinner and at the meet on Saturday. We could not do it without you!

Monday Practice
Monday is Labor Day, so practice has been moved to 6 am. Hopefully it will be cooler then!

T-Shirt Orders/Other Items for Sale
We are placing one more t-shirt order this year. You must turn in your order form and money at practice tomorrow (Monday). Kristi Johnson will be there to collect any orders. We also have other items to purchase if you are interested. A photo of the items is in the Photo section of the website. You can send cash or check (made out to Corona Cross Country Boosters Club) in an envelope with your athlete’s name and items you want listed on the outside.

  • Double Insulated Water Bottles – $15
  • Cinch Bags – $5 or $10
  • Socks – $5
  • Car Decals – $5
  • Key Chains – $10
    The key chains are made by a former Corona Cross Country mom. She has many other Corona items for sale on her website.

No-Cost Fundraising!
We need your help with our No-Cost Fundraisers. Please support the team by linking your Fry’s card, shopping on, downloading mobile gift cards through Benefit Mobile, or giving a tax credit donation. Click on “No-Cost Fundraising” on the menu above for direct links and more information.

Have a great week!

Corona Cross Country Boosters

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T-Shirt Order

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Sep 1, 2017 6:48AM PDT

We are placing one more t-shirt order on Tuesday. All t-shirt orders and money must be turned in by Monday. The kids can turn the orders in to Zach Johnson or Kristina Phillips at the meet on Saturday or practice on Monday. You can also turn them in to Kristi Johnson or Betty Phillips if you see us at the meet. The order form is attached below.