News and Announcements

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Weekly News, August 27

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 28, 2017 8:21PM PDT

Thank You!
To the Montana family for hosting a fun swim party! The kids had fun. We will upload pictures to the website. You must be a member and logged in to view them.

First Meet
The first meet is the Chandler Invitational at Tumbleweed Park on Saturday, 9/2. Freshmen 7:35, Soph 8:15, Jr.8:50, Sr. 9:20. Boys first then girls 1 min later. Under the Info tab, there is “What to expect at a XC meet” for new parents.

Team Pasta Dinner Friday, 9/1
The first team pasta dinner will be at the Johnston’s (Lincoln) home on Friday at 6pm-8pm. We will email out the address later. If you are able to volunteer to help or bring an item, please sign up here:

Our t-shirt order will be in this week and handed out at practice on Thursday.

Thank you to those families that turned in their $20 donation to cover snacks/meals at meets for the season. If you haven’t had a chance to turn that in, please turn it in at practice on Friday when shirts are handed out.

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August 20 Newsletter

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 20, 2017 4:50PM PDT

Email List
Current Athletes and Parents, if you have not yet “Joined” the team by clicking the “Join Team” on the menu bar and entering you email, please do so now. We will be using this distribution list from now on to send out information to the team. If you are not a member, you will not receive email updates. Once a member, you can go to settings and enter in your SMS Information to get text messages for last minute cancellations or bus arrival times.

Parent Meeting
The parent meeting was last Tuesday. If you were not able to attend, you can view the Parent Handout by clicking on “INFO” from the menu above. Please read through the information provided. We are asking that each family give a $20 donation to help cover all drinks, snacks, and dinners at meets this season. We will be at practice on Tuesday to collect the money if you have not already paid it.

Merchandise Sale
We will be selling some merchandise after practice on Tuesday evening starting at 7pm. We will have cinch bags ($5-10), car decals ($5), t-shirts ($2-5), socks ($5), water bottles ($15), and key chains ($8) for sale. Cash or check only. We will be located near the tennis courts.

Corona Night at Sole Sports Running Zone
We will be having a special discount night at Sole Sports on Wednesday from 6-8pm. Corona runners will receive a 20% discount instead of the usual 15%. Stop in to get fitted for new training shoes or racing flats.

Swim Party on Saturday
Join us Saturday from 5-8 at the Montana’s home for a team swim party. Pizza, drinks and snacks will be provided. Just bring your suit and towel! If you did not receive an email with directions, you can contact Kristi Johnson for the address at

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T-shirt order deadline

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 18, 2017 5:10PM PDT

We were able to extend our T-shirt order date until Monday morning. Kristi Johnson will be at practice on Saturday morning to collect order forms and money. This order is for parents and other family members. Athletes will automatically receive a shirt. The order form is attached below. Checks can be made payable to Corona Cross Country Boosters Club.

Athletes – if you are new to the team this year and did not fill out an information slip at the parent meeting or at practice on Thursday evening, please email Betty Phillips with your shirt size. (

Thank you!

Please use the attached form to order your team t-shirt. This year’s team shirt is a white cotton blend t-shirt with “Corona del Sol Cross Country” on the front (in orange with black outline) and “Power of the Pack” on the back. The Booster Club will pay for the athlete’s t-shirt. You do not need to order one for them. This order form is for parents or other family members who would like to get a team t-shirt. We are up against a deadline to get them for the start of the season. If you can, please send your order form and money with your child to practice tomorrow evening (Thursday). If you do not get it in by Thursday, please email Kristi Johnson at with what you plan to order and send your order form in on Friday or Monday. We apologize for the rushed order time!

Checks can be made payable to “Corona Cross Country Boosters Club”.

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August 14th News

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country at Aug 14, 2017 7:04PM PDT

Parent Meeting
The Fall Sports meeting is now on Wednesday, August 16 at 6pm in the auditorium. They changed the date due to a scheduling conflict. The Cross Country meeting will take place immediately after. Attendance is strongly encouraged as there will be new information for the season. We will be selling some items (shirts, cinch bags, water bottles…).  We will also be asking for a $20 donation to help with costs of water, snacks, dinner at meets throughout the season.

Team Picture
We will be taking a team picture for the banner on Thursday, August 17 at 6pm. Please don’t be late! Athletes need to wear any orange shirt (if they don’t have orange, please wear gray or something that doesn’t clash).

Regular practice times M,W,F at 3pm, T,Th at 6pm, Sat at 6am. Athletes need to have their registration complete before practicing.

A big thank you to our sponsors: Serrano & Kyger Family Orthodontics, Lubin & Enoch, P.C., Isagenix – Carly Hunter, Framin’ Works of Arizona and Sole Sports Running Zone. If you are interested in sponsoring, please let us know!

Cross Country Boosters