

2020-2021 Athletic Physical Info

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country on Jul 18 2020 at 12:12PM PDT in 2020

Some of you may have received this information via email. However, I wanted to post in for you here:

Please note, All Freshmen MUST get a physical prior to participate when school starts on August 17th!!!!

Please Note: Physicals from 2019-2020 will now be accepted for the 2020-2021 school year / athletic season if the following criteria has been met since the 2019-2020 physical was obtained.

Athlete has a 2019-2020 AIA physical on file with Register My Athlete/CdS
Athlete did not have any new injury or illness requiring outside medical evaluation or if an injury did occur, the athlete was released for full athletic participation by a medical professional
Athlete did not have a concussion.
Athlete did not receive a new medical diagnosis.
Athlete has not tested positive for Covid-19.

  • Anyone using the 2019-2020 AIA sports physical for the 2020-2021 season, MUST upload it into the athlete’s current 2020-2021 Register My Athlete account to complete this year’s requirement.

If any of the above criteria is not met, the athlete MUST obtain a new physical for 2020-2021.

Additionally, if the athlete does not have a 2019-2020 physical on file in Register My Athlete and the CdS Athletic Department, the athlete must obtain a current 2020-2021 AIA sports physical prior to participation.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through these changes. Please direct any questions to


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