

More Friday meet info:

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country on Sep 23 2020 at 09:40AM PDT in 2020

Hello All!

All Athletes who are competing on Friday are excused from class until 12:30, which is the start of 6th period. With that being said, If an Athlete goes back to class earlier, that is absolutely allowed. Some Athletes will finish their race and be home sooner than others.

While we have no new information about Sectionals and State, here is the info we do have:

Sectionals will be the weekend of November 6th and is scheduled to be at Crossroads Park.

State will be the weekend of November 13th and no venue has been named.

Both these meets could be run on the Friday of that week, but we just do not know. As soon as we hear new information, we will share it with you.

Last, be advised that spectators have been discouraged from all meets so far. However, Desert Twilight is not allowing spectators at all. There will be no parking available at the venue. FYI



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