

Take a moment to volunteer on Sign up Genius for our upcoming meets!

Posted by Corona Del Sol Cross Country on Aug 27 2024 at 04:33PM PDT

Link to Sign-up Genius:

Towels- Ideally the the person signing up to bring towels should be the same person each week, or shared with two families, since they will take the towels home (in the cooler), wash them, and bring them back for the next meet (in the cooler). There are slots for additional parents to distribute towels during the meets. Towel distribution can be anyone, any meet.

Water- This should also be the same parent each week, or shared with two families, since they will need to take the cooler from the meet for the next meet.

If you have any questions please let us know! We appreciate everyone helping out!


2024-08-27T21:38:08.000-07:00August 27 2024, at 09:38 PM PDT, SEAN HALTON said:

Hi All – if you sign up to provide snacks or water you can send them on the bus with your athlete. However if for some reason that will not work you can also reach out out to me at 480-286-8357 and we can try to make arrangements for you to drop off at my house. I’m in Warner Ranch, just west of Corona.
Sean Halton (Anya’s Dad)